Monday, January 18, 2010

2010 Better be Better

Hey its 2010, im feeling great and am diving into life, work and self improvement.
So the last post described my 2009 set backs fairly well. Himself has been very supportive and funnily enough we've been able to get away a few times.
Recently a cousin of mine had her wedding and so we found ourselves in Sydney enjoying the wonders that are there. I'll put up images once all 12+ gig are done, that way you're not having to look at all the boring bits.
This year I may have some weddings lined up and I'll be over the moon if i can get some experience under my belt. Somewhere along the line ill be working on a fantabulous (yes its a word) folio to chuff off to photographers in the industry to see if they would take me on and show me the ropes some.
In the meantime I'm finding a job to trundel along at that doesn't bore me to death but i won't be holding my breath for a studio job just yet hehe.
Well keep an eye on this space...I'll try and do more than 2 posts this year huh? :D

Have a great day and feel free to contact me if you like what you see on here.
Cheers Brooke